A vast landscape with a whimsical touch to it.
Exploration of distant environment of some magical elements.
Concept piece wanted to do a snowy environment.
Matte Concept piece lost sacred ruins.
Here is a personal matte painting, of a mountain valley overpass. There is also a breakdown as well as a matte projection. Enjoy!
A simple canyon night matte painting.
A dark valley matte painting.
Just a matte painting landscape.
I always wanted to try western theme matte painting.
A tropical paradise matte painting.
Matte Concept Landscape
Concept piece
A simple Matte Landscape.
Here is a personal matte painting study. Working on lighting, depth of field, level of details and values.
Big thanks with Anthony Eftekhari tutorials.
Here is a personal matte painting I've worked on, Enjoy!!
Here is a Matte Painting I've been working on, with three different moods and colour themes
A new matte painting I worked on, a personal piece dealing with mood, lighting and textures.
I wanted to create a triple level design of very dense subway stations with back story to them. Both of these images got feature on layerpaint. you can check them out here.
Here is a concept I did of a back alley.
I wanted to create one of my favorite genres survival horror.
I love creating concepts going against the odds.
Survival concept piece I work on.
- featured article on 3Dtotal of a step by step process tutorial, you check out here at www.3dtotal.com
A simple concept of a soldier deep in thought. I wanted to create a deep moment.
A concept of a guard on patrol.
A concept image of a very dark meeting.
A dark concept of a person going on a dark journey.
A quick concept i did of a entrance to a tunnel.
Some environment concepts paintings I did through out the years.
An old concept I did while back.
- feature in 2d Artist Issue #069
You check it out here at www.2dartistmag.com
Some old classic concept paintings I did, good times.
A bunch of robot concepts I did, just exploring ideas.
Some character concepts I worked on.
Here is a bunch of character concepts I created, the thought process of explorations and stages to final.
Here is another bunch of concepts of a rifle for the soldier. The process of design and explorations.